


Writing Center Tutoring

Writing Center Tutoring

The Writing Center will provide tutoring services to students both in-person and virtually, through the process outlined on this page. We realize that tutoring is an important resource for many of our students, and we strive to provide services in a manner that is helpful to all!

Step 1: Student will fill out the Online Tutoring Request Form below in which you articulate your concerns about a particular written assignment, please make sure attach your document to this form and submit.

Step 2: Check your student email daily to look for the tutor’s response to your essay.

Students should submit their essay at least three (3) working days prior to the assigned due date. If a student would prefer to personally meet with a tutor to discuss an essay, they may do so by scheduling an appointment with a tutor below. For more information on online tutoring expectations please see the information below on paper submission and review.

Paper Submission and Review Summary

Tutors will review and return papers via the same interface. They will provide feedback by writing comments within the paper and by providing a review summary. Their response will be expressed in contextual mark-up that is over-imposed on the original text. In the review summary, they will encourage students in their writing efforts by recognizing the strengths of the piece, and by making helpful suggestions that focus on the individual needs of each student.

Tutors will not “fix” any grammar issue for a student; rather, they will provide a brief explanation so that writers may fix them on their own.

In no case will the tutor rewrite a paper, paragraph, or sentence, although an alternative form of expression may be suggested as an example of improvement the student may be able to make.
When faced with a writer who has many weaknesses, tutors typically comment on only the first instance of a repeat issue and will let the writer know that they've focused on one or two major things. They tell the writer that their feedback isn't attempting to fix or mark up everything in the paper. To the degree possible, improvements made by students in a resubmitted paper will be recognized and reviewed with additional feedback.

Alongside your submission, you will receive an online tutoring feedback form that will provide you with tutor comments. This form is downloadable and can be used as proof of your online tutoring session.  


Uvalde Campus Tutors (Uvalde, Hondo, Pearsall, Online)

Del Rio Campus Tutors

Eagle Pass Campus Tutors

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