


向美国前总统奥巴马致敬. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨.

Dr. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨.

Dr. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨.

1945年6月22日- 2020年12月15日

Stories and memories of a life to remember - Dr. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨.

前西南赛马会主席. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨. passed away Tuesday, December 15, 2020, at age 75. He was part of our SWTJC family for 45 years. Serving as Dean of 招生 and 学生服务 from 1968 to 1999, then as President from 1999 until his retirement in 2013.

我们想听听你的意见, whether you are a current or past student, 教员或职员, 我的一个朋友, 或者家庭成员, 你是SWTJC大家庭的一员, 你的故事将有助于庆祝. 索萨的遗产,无论远近.

和我们一起分享你对Dr. Sosa and his everlasting support of the community, education, and service. If you wish to make a contribution to the Ismael Sosa Scholarship Fund, 请找到下面的“贡献”按钮.

观看视频致敬 为博士. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨. 

Private Funeral Livestream - 12月19日, 2020; 1:45 pm

分享一段记忆. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨.



Your gift will provide students with scholarships to achieve their educational goals at SWTJC. 请发邮件到 ahtarski@gjg2.com with "Ismael Sosa Scholarship Fund" as your subject line. Vice President Anne Tarski will contact you regarding your contribution.


To donate by mail, please download and complete the Mail-in Donation Form. Your form and check payable to 澳门网站游戏电子平台大专, Memo: 小伊斯梅尔·索萨. 奖学金申请可邮寄至以下地址:

安妮·H. 塔斯基,财务副总裁
Uvalde, TX 78801-6221



Your memories and stories will be shared below for friends and family to reflect upon.


Southwest 德州 lost a pillar in the educational community when Dr. 小伊斯梅尔·索萨. peacefully passed surrounded by his family on December 15, 2020. Dr. 索萨是个顾家的人, 亲切的朋友, 熟练的烧烤师, 玩牌高手, 早餐墨西哥卷饼的狂热者, 顽强的后卫, 忠诚的教育者, 无私的仆人, 最重要的是, 神人. 伊斯梅尔出身卑微, 和父母一起长大, 三个兄弟, 还有两个姐妹在科图拉, 德州. 他的父亲在他的一生中起了重要作用, fostering a strong work ethic and preaching the importance of a good education as well as teaching him the trade of carpentry. Ismael used those lessons and skills to fashion a life built on selfless service.

He began his journey in the foothills of the Davis Mountains, 在南罗斯州立大学, 在高山, 德州. He earned a bachelor’s degree in Spanish and master’s degree in English, 但更重要的是, he met and earned the affection of his future wife and soulmate, 尤妮斯. They began their new life in Uvalde when a job offer was made to fill a position for an Instructor of English and Spanish at the local junior college. 当他开始毕生的事业时, his focus was improving people’s opportunity to get an education, 不管他们的背景如何. 这是他自己成功的关键. His passion to improve the lives of others was quickly recognized. He was offered Director of Community Services, where he initiated the formation of the Basic Adult Education curriculum. 之后, 他成为了学生助理院长, then Dean of 招生 and 学生服务, all while earning a PhD in Education Administration from 德州 A&米大学. He was elected President of SWTJC in August 1999. Living by his Grandmother Sara Garcia’s philosophy, “haz el bien sin mirar a quien” meaning to always do good and help others no matter who they are, he committed himself to service in the community he had come to love. He served on numerous committee boards that included: Uvalde United Way, El Progresso库, 狮子俱乐部, ESC Region 20 Board of Directors and Uvalde CISD School board, 首先是成员,然后是主席. 他活着就是为了服务. Ismael embodied the phrase “si se puede”. 他面对挑战从不退缩, 推动别人成为最好的, 而且总是给予很高的评价. 这是没有尽头的. 索萨会去帮助学生. He established an emergency fund to help students in need by allocating funds from the vending machines or from his own pocket. He even registered his own son in a business calculus class, 帮助我们上课, so students could earn the credit they needed.

在他45年的SWTJC职业生涯中, he also enjoyed serving the community as a football referee and boxing judge. Ismael garnered the respect of his peers and the community. He was recognized by both the Middle Rio Grande Development Council and The National Hispanic Institute with a Lifetime achievement award and was also awarded Uvaldean of the Year.

While Ismael appreciated the recognition and enjoyed the awards, he simply enjoyed being able to help others, 尤其是那些没有他幸运的人. He cherished his humble upbringing and his family the most. His life was about service through education, and he was always ready to help, always ready to lead. His life has touched so many and what a journey it has been, sometimes a climb. Ismael was fond of saying, “the higher the climb, the broader the view!“布罗德博士是一个轻描淡写的说法. 索萨的永恒观点. He will be dearly missed, but his legacy will continue with the thousands of lives he guided.

Dr. Sosa is survived by his loving wife of 54 years, 尤妮斯, their daughter Dr. 维吉尼亚·索萨和丈夫索萨博士. 史蒂文·考克斯有两个儿子. 伊斯梅尔·索萨三世和约书亚·索萨, 还有他们的孙子瑞恩·考克斯, 兰德勒考克斯, 吉莉安索萨, 索菲亚·索萨. Dr. Sosa is also survived by his 三个兄弟: Dr. Jose Sosa and wife Becky, Juan Sosa and wife Isilda, and Dr. 艾萨克·索萨 and wife Sameta, and sister, Mary Lou Carpenter and husband Dr. George Carpenter, and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Ysmael and Virginia Sosa, and his sister, Estella McNabb.

葬礼将于周五举行, 12月18日, 2020, 上午十时至下午五时及星期六, 12月19日, 2020, from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at Rushing-Estes-Knowles Mortuary. A private funeral will be held on Saturday at the First Baptist Church of Uvalde.

护柩者将是史蒂芬·考克斯, 瑞安·考克斯, 兰德勒考克斯, 罗比弗洛, 奥斯卡加西亚, 安德烈广场, 非常索萨, 约书亚·索萨.

荣誉护柩者将是乔·巴克, 塞吉奥Benavides, 布莱恩班纳特, 吉尔伯特Bermea, 约翰·柯里, 丹尼·弗洛雷斯, 何塞•加西亚, 胡安·加西亚, 皮特·加西亚, 乔治·加尔萨, 胡安·加尔萨, 赫克托耳冈萨雷斯, 托尼·冈萨雷斯, 弗兰克的绅士, 亚历杭德罗广场, 艾萨克·索萨, 乔·索萨, 胡安·索萨.

继续,博士. Sosa’s tireless effort to better his community, a scholarship in his name has been established to help students attending 澳门网站游戏电子平台大专. Memorials may be made to the 小伊斯梅尔·索萨. Scholarship Fund (this webpage) or by mail to: SWTJC, 安妮·H. 塔斯基,财务副总裁, 嘉纳菲尔道2401号, Uvalde, TX 78801. 请指定小伊斯梅尔·索萨. 奖学金在备忘线上.

安排的服务 拉什-埃斯蒂-诺尔斯停尸房公司.